The Late Gen. Baktiar Rana
President 1970 to 1974
The Late Gen. Baktiar Rana
President 1970 to 1974
The Late Ch. Mohammad Amin
President 1975 - 1978
The Late Col. Levy Macasiano
President 1979 - 1982
The Late Ch. Mohammad Amin
President 1983 - 1986
The Late Ch. Mohammad Amin
President 1987 - 1990
Mr. Kim Nam Hak
President 1991 - 1994
Mr. Kim Nam Hak
President 1995 - 1998
Mr. Kim Nam Hak
President 1999 - 2001
Mr. Mergaliev Bulat
President 2002 - 2003
Brig. Gen. Abdulla Khalaf Al-Kaabi
President 2002 - 2006
Mr. Osama Ahmed Al Shafar
President 2007 - 2011
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